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2023-2024 Cornell's Center for Teaching Innovation Graduate Teaching Fellow

"The CTI graduate teaching fellowship provides graduate students with an opportunity to design and implement teaching programs, events, and resources that foster teaching excellence and innovation. Participants will develop leadership and mentorship skills, reflect on and refine their teaching skills, enhance their communication skills, and foster collaborative, interdisciplinary teaching networks across the university."

Testimonials from past students

"Excellent visual design, engaging animations, and fun activities to keep class dynamic."
"The class involves a lot of interactions with various activities and has a clear purpose that match the learning outcomes."
"Professor Keller is clearly very knowledgeable about the topic and allowed us to choose from intriguing final presentation topics. This was a class the students looked forward going to."
Stack of Books

"At one magical instant in your early childhood, the page of a book-that string of confused, alien ciphers-shivered into meaning. Words spoken to you, gave up their secrets; at that moment, whole universes opened. You became, irrevocably, a reader."


​-Alberto Manguel

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